Stafford Mini Timed Event

Our little tournaments are back on track with this Timed Event coming up NEXT Saturday afternoon (27th of July)
Please contact Kylie at the Centre, or Ludo to register.
The fee is the same as the club practice fee, $10.
A match includes 3 games of 8 minutes, 2 minutes warm-up before the first game and 2 minutes of rest in between each games.
Scoring will be Point a Rally. (Self scoring). As a reminder, at the end of a game, at the whistle, the rally stops and the score prior that rally holds.
Extra rule: The loser of a game will have the serve to start the next game. After a Tie, the player who hasn't served to start the previous game will now serve to start the game.
  • oldees
  • The Newbees
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Stephen Banhuk
31 Jul 2019
1 2 3 4 5   Overall Experience
Terrific work Stafford. Enjoyable day, great to catch up with regulars and also see some new faces. Not being able to walk the next day means I got plenty of court time so great value for money.
1 2 3 4 5   Value for Money
1 2 3 4 5   Club Facilities
1 2 3 4 5   Communication
1 2 3 4 5   Atmosphere
1 2 3 4 5   Level of Competition
Where & When
Sat, Jul 27th 2019
Sat, Jul 27th 2019
Sat, Jul 27th 2019 10:00am

244 Kitchener Road
Stafford, Queensland 4053
Tournament Officials

Ludo Graizzaro

Queensland, Australia

Kylie Pearson

STAFFORD, Queensland, Australia
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